Ups and downs

Yesterday the girls seemed to making so much progress together, then we had a set back. They had been fine all day, then I went to check on them early evening and they all came running to greet me except for Honey. Honey was perched on the coop roof looking very sorry for herself. I was dismayed to see that her comb was bleeding. A few days ago it was Amber and now Honey.

I sat on the step of the patio and she came and stood by me. She was making little unhappy sounds and looking a bit wobbly. It is heartbreaking to see this. She wouldn’t let me pick her up and I didn’t want to stress her so I sat with her with the water spray, keeping the big girls away. She stayed close to me and seems to know that I will protect her. I talked softly to her and gave her some sunflower hearts, which she ate, while I kept the other girls away.

Although I have no proof, I imagine that Bluebell attacked her as it’s Bluebell that is aggressive towards to the little girls. If this continues I will separate Bluebell.

I left for a while but returned before dusk to see how she was. Both little girls were perched on the coop roof and the big girls were scratching in the garden area.

I decided for their own safety to pick the little girls up, put them in the coop and shut the door. I didn’t want to risk the big girls getting on to the coop roof at bedtime and pecking at them again and adding to their stress.

I went out just after dark and lifted the big girls off the roof and added them to the coop.

I feel so upset that I have bought these little girls into an environment where this is happening to them. I so want to protect them and at the moment am beginning to feel that if someone wanted to take Bluebell, I would happily let her go. I used to feel so sorry for her being bottom girl but now she is the aggressive one.

This morning I went out at six o’clock and you would never know this had happened. The girls were all fine together. It may be naive of me but I am hoping that now both little girls have had their comb pecked, maybe it’s done with. It’s probably wishful thinking on my part.

Bluebell went into the nest box to lay her egg first this morning as she often does. Amber kept trying to get in with her and Bluebell would growl at her and Amber would run out. Bluebell had been in the nest box longer that usual so I decided to feel underneath her to see if she had laid her egg. She seems to have slightly broody moments lately. Sure enough she had already laid her egg so I removed it from under her then picked her up and placed in her in the run. For a while she shouted in protest.

Honey then went into the nest box. When I checked later, Honey had laid her seventh egg, the second one to be laid in the next box. I think she didn’t accept the little coop as a suitable nest box.

In the afternoon all the girls spent a lot of time sitting together. You wouldn’t imagine there was ever a problem. I tried to photograph them all sat together but as soon as I go in with the camera they either come towards to me or stand up and saunter off. I had a few attempts and didn’t get the shot I would have liked but had to make do with these.

Dotty likes to snooze with her head under her wing

Dotty likes to snooze with her head under her wing

We were all sat together until the camera came towards us

We were all sat together until the camera came towards us

Taking a shot through the wire is the only way I can get them before they move

Taking a shot through the wire is the only way I can get them together before they move

I almost snapped them sitting together

I almost snapped them sitting together

I had been about to separate Bluebell today but there hasn’t been a problem. I really hope it continues to get better as I am finding this so frustrating! Why they can’t just chill and be nice to each other!

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6 Responses to Ups and downs

  1. Rachel says:

    One step forward and two back, it’s so frustrating sometimes isn’t it!
    Keep positive, you and your girls will get there xx

    • Carol says:

      Oh thank you so much! I nearly titled this post”one step forward and two back” but then tried to be more positive, if that’s possible. You are so right about the frustration but you have to stay positive and believe you will get there in the end. My husband says that he had no idea how difficult this would be and wouldn’t have chosen this had he known, but I feel how ever hard, I couldn’t not want to do this. It is hard but I couldn’t give up on these girls how ever much they drive me crazy! xx

  2. Marcello Beretta says:

    Ciao ! I know how frustrating can be but I suggest not to separete the girls now as they are working out the peck order and this accident even if not nice to experience are part of it . By separating one or more birds you will just delay the process . Good luck

    • Carol says:

      It’s so hard to know what to do for the best. I have actually already separated Bluebell this afternoon to give the little girls a break because they spent all morning hiding behind the bush. I will put them back together soon and leave them together tomorrow. It’s just so hard to see Bluebell giving the little girls such a hard time.

  3. Amy says:

    Unfortunately, this may always be the case. My Honey has been integrated with the flock for nearly two years and one of the hens above her still pecks at her when treats are being offered. And at bed time. Fortunately, the girl getting picked on is an 8lb BO and she’s built like a bulldozer. The one doing the bullying is a 4.5lb BO. So the big girl can hold her own. But my big BO who mothered and raised the three Andalusian’s still takes a shot at them from time to time. It’s kind of why they call it a pecking order. Drawing blood is a problem so do keep an eye on it. But you will likely always see some degree of pecking order squabbling. It’s just in their DNA.

    • Carol says:

      I just wasn’t expecting to see this level of aggression, especially from Bluebell. I know she doesn’t want to slide further down the pecking order but the little girls are not contesting her and now in turn she has made both their combs bleed, Amber twice and Honey once. I am beginning to think this is probably as good as it gets though! It is hard to see. I don’t want to integrate any more in a hurry, that’s for sure!

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