Integration is complete

Last night I went out to the girls after dusk and as usual the coop door was shut and the big girls were on the coop roof. No sign of the little girls though. Just as I was wondering if they had gone into the big coop or the little coop I heard a sound above me. There were the two little girls, sat on my little chair, which hangs just under the roof. They looked so sweet! I can imagine that Pepper probably wouldn’t let them stay on the coop roof so they found an alternative.

I picked up one of the little girls and put her in the coop, the other one flew off. I lifted down each of the big girls and put them in the coop. The remaining little girl was stood by the ramp of the little coop but hadn’t gone in. I laid my torch on the ground so that it showed the big coop entrance and waited to see what she would do. As good as gold the little girl sauntered over to the coop and went in. I shut the door, job done!

I feel really pleased at this progress and hopeful that eventually the little girls may even start going in the coop instead of on top. Even if they don’t, I now think this will probably work each evening instead of  having to pick them up.

This means the little coop is no longer needed, so I decided it’s time to take it out. This will give the girls a bit more space too. The little coop will be put away in case we ever need it in the future. This means, after five weeks, integration is now complete! Hurrah!

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4 Responses to Integration is complete

  1. Steve says:


    • Carol says:

      Thank you! The little coop is put away now so there is no going back. They have no choice now. They haven’t been in the little coop at all since I put them together so I don’t think they will miss it.

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