Amber’s second egg

Amber laid her first tiny egg in the run, the day before yesterday. Both yesterday and today, Honey and Amber had been visiting the big coops nest box and practising egg laying.

At one point today Dotty and Amber were in the nest box together. I took a peek and was dismayed to see fresh blood on Amber’s comb. Bluebell has been chasing and pecking at her a lot today and I imagine it is Bluebell that has made her comb bleed for the second time. If this continues I may have to separate Bluebell.

I went back a little later and Honey and Amber were now in the nest box together. I lifted  the lid to show my husband Amber’s comb and this disturbed them causing them both to run out into the run. As I watched them I saw another tiny egg drop from Amber. If only I hadn’t disturbed them, I think Amber would have laid it it the nest box. It was still tiny but fractionally bigger than her first one.

When I next checked on them Dotty and Honey were back in the nest box. I checked again a short while later and there in the nest box side by side were Dotty’s and Honey’s egg. This is Honey’s sixth egg after a three day gap.

Dotty's egg on the left. Honey's egg second left. Ambers first egg on the right and second egg second right

Dotty’s egg on the left, Honey’s egg second left. Ambers first egg on the right and second egg second right

Honey's egg on the right and Amber's egg on the left

Honey’s egg on the left and Amber’s egg on the right

Size comparison

Size comparison

I broke both of Amber’s eggs into little dishes. They appeared to have no yolk but although all white in colour the centre blob was round and felt like firm jelly to the touch. It looks like it is a yolk but is the same colour as the white.

Amber's eggs

Amber’s first egg on the left and second egg on the right

Amber is smaller than Honey and whereas Honey has been squatting for weeks, Amber only started to squat a few days ago. I think this probably means Amber is younger than Honey and has started to lay her eggs a bit earlier. This may be why they are not fully formed.

I am pleased that they both want to lay in the nest box though. I have now taken the plastic egg out of the little coop and now that they are using the nest box it will be easier to remove the little coop. I may do this soon but I think I will leave it for a few more days.

It will be interesting to see what Amber’s next egg is like.

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6 Responses to Amber’s second egg

  1. Jackie says:

    That is great news but not about the naughty Bluebell.
    That is a wind egg and I had a couple of those when we first had rosie…Any one for marangues?(spelt wrong) Still useable.

    • Carol says:

      I have heard of them, hate the name but they sometimes get called an even worse name! You would get a very small marangue (don’t know how to spell it either) from those!

        • Carol says:

          I know that now because I googled it afterwards. I looked it up in my dictionary while writing my reply and couldn’t find it (I assume Jackie did the same) then I put”lemon meringue pie” in the search and got it but decided it was too late to go back to it.

          • Steve says:

            Well I googled it too. I don’t know how to spell it either!

          • Carol says:

            I know I should have done that first but didn’t think of it until after I had written my reply.

            Richard said this was how it is spelt but the spell check didn’t recognise it. He also said to look it up in a cookery book but I thought it would take up too much of my time!

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