Has Pepper got a tumour ?

I wrote earlier that due to Pepper’s lop sided look, I had thought she may have impacted crop. I treated her for that and felt her crop when empty and full, it was soft as it should be. I then looked back at photos taken on her first day with us and noticed she was lop sided from the start. I hoped this was just the way she is, and she seems happy and normal in every other way. We have only had the chooks for two and a half weeks now and Peppers bulge seems to be growing quite quickly.

Has Pepper got a tumour?

Pepper on the left now has a huge bulge on her right side. It doesn’t seem to bother her at all but I am alarmed by how quickly it has grown. I am going to seek advice today from our local vet and perhaps from the farm where I got them from. I am so upset that so much has happened so quickly. I waited so long to get my chickens and now in less than three weeks with them, one seems to be a roo and one is not right. I don’t want little Dotty to end up on her own.  To make matters worse my son pointed out that we can’t yet rule out Dotty possibly being a roo either. My heart went cold, surely not! I really hope she is a hen.

On a lighter note, here are Poppy and Pepper perching on their branch.

Perching on high

They love to perch on the highest part of the branch. I wanted to capture all three perched together but Dotty had jumped down and was scratching about at the base of the branch.

I would be glad of any advice or any comments on Pepper’s condition.

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2 Responses to Has Pepper got a tumour ?

  1. Flock Mistress says:

    Oh, I wish I had some advice for you. If you have the means, a good avian vet can be a good thing. I’m very thankful to have one near me. I totally feel your pain in that I felt like I had issue after issue with my girls. That bulge is a new one for me.

    Do keep us posted. I’m sending you a virtual hug. Hang in there.

  2. Carol says:

    Thank you, it helps to know you understand what I am going through.
    What is worse is that my son pointed out last night that little Dotty is starting to look more like Poppy than Pepper. Again I am trying not to think about it yet but she is getting the curved tail and the more upright stance. I can’t believe I could be so unlucky to end up with two roos and one hen with something wrong with her, out of three. I have had them less than three weeks. Surely I can’t be this unlucky. I know I have to just give it time and wait and see.

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