Honey’s second egg

The day before yesterday Honey laid her first egg, missed yesterday and laid her second egg today. The big girls laid every other day at first so this was what I expected. The funny thing is that it is obviously catching her off guard as she laid her egg in the run again today. When she laid her first egg in the run, she then went and sat in the coop for half an hour then gave up. I assumed that she hadn’t realised she had already laid it. Exactly the same thing happened today, she laid her egg in the run then went in the coop for half an hour.

All the time that Honey was in the coop Amber strutted about complaining, she obviously doesn’t like being out on her own. As soon as Honey joined her she was quiet again. For little girl’s they do know how to make their complaints heard!

Honey's first egg on the left, her second egg in the middle and Bluebell's egg on the right

Honey’s first egg on the left, her second egg in the middle and Bluebell’s egg on the right

Honey’s first egg has a streak of blood on it, this often happens with the first egg. Her second egg is reasonably clean considering she laid it in the run. On both the first day and today all the girl’s laid giving us our first two, four egg days. well done Honey!

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4 Responses to Honey’s second egg

  1. Jackie says:

    Well done that girl!

  2. cathy says:

    I am loving the blog still carol and these girls look very well integrated im sorry I haven’t posted here recently ,but I have popped in and out they are beautiful and have grown so much ,glad you are loving your banties they are adorable aren’t they xxx 🙂

    • Carol says:

      Thank you. The banties are adorable even though Honey is completely clueless about where to lay her eggs. She did the same again today, laid her third egg in the run then sat in the coop for half an hour. I wonder if she will suddenly get the hang of it sometime soon! Got to love them though.

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