Our first Banty egg

This morning after I had just been in and given the girls some greens Pepper was doing a lot of shouting. I went to investigate and found this:

Where did that come from?

Where did that come from?

I am sure this is Honey’s first egg as she has been squatting for the last week. When we first bought the bantys home three weeks ago Amber would go into the coop to practise egg laying but then obviously decided she wasn’t ready and gave up. Honey has never gone in to the coop to practice but has been squatting so I knew she was getting ready and I think this egg took her by surprise!

Our first banty egg

Our first banty egg



Honey's egg on the left and Dotty's egg on the right

Honey’s egg on the left and Dotty’s egg on the right

I am so excited by this little egg and it has arrived on the week of my birthday, hurrah!

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4 Responses to Our first Banty egg

  1. Jackie says:

    I knew it was going to be an egg! Congratulations you have worked hard to get that . 🙂

    • Carol says:

      Thank you. I thought when I said I had exciting news, you would either think the girls had had an evening without pecking (unlikely) or an egg.

      Every first egg is just as exciting isn’t it!

      • Jackie says:

        I think things must be getting better as if she was really stressed she would not lay even one egg.

        • Carol says:

          Yes you are right, egg laying is always a good sign that things are okay. I think they are really happy most of the time except when they are being chased by Bluebell but even then, they are so much quicker than Bluebell and it doesn’t seem to worry them afterwards. Sometimes Bluebell runs at them from her side of the wire and they don’t even flinch. They seem to know they are safe.

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