Mixing things up

Last night we got the girls together an hour and a half before bedtime, we are gradually increasing the length of their time together. As usual there were a few pecks but then Bluebell would hang to one of the little girls by the neck and try to hold her down. This is horrible to watch and I sprayed Bluebell with water. The bantys looked for somewhere to escape to and flew on to the coop roof but Bluebell chased them down.

Safety on the coop roof but not for long

Safety on the coop roof but not for long

The bantys found somewhere higher to go and escaped to the store cabinet and my little chair which hangs just under the roof.

The bantys take refuge on the store cabinet and my little chair

The bantys take refuge on the store cabinet and my little chair

Having seen this we have decided to put in some additional high perches for the bantys to escape to away from the big girls reach.

We decided as Bluebell was the problem we would let her into the bantys area and shut the gate. Bluebell was quite happy in there and totally oblivious to the goings on, on the other side of the wire. She was having a good scratch and drinking from the bantys water and eating the bantys pellets.

Pepper and Dotty were going crazy on the other side of the wire and were desperate to join her. They marched up and down pressing their faces to the wire. We decided to let them in and shut the gate giving the bantys a chance to explore the bigger area in peace.

The big girls were having a good scratching session in the bantys area and at one point Pepper found a huge worm which they all chased her for. Dotty managed to steal it from her, then they all got tucked in to the bantys pellets and water as if it was so much nicer on this side, even though the pellets are exactly the same as on their own side.

The bantys were also having a nice time exploring the big side. They had a good time scratching too.

The bantys enjoy some scratching

The bantys enjoy some scratching

Scratching is better on the other side of the fence for both parties!

Scratching is better on the other side of the fence for both parties!

The bantys perched on the log for a bit

The bantys perched on the log for a bit

The bantys started to wind down for bedtime and went to sit on the coop roof.

The bantys settle on the coop roof

The bantys settle on the coop roof

Nearly time for bed

Nearly time for bed

We decided that as it was nearly bedtime we should get the big girls back in their own side. They were reluctant to leave the bantys side and we had to shoo them through the gate. They went straight up on to the coop roof with the bantys. There was a bit of pecking and I decided to guide the bantys down from the roof and usher them back into their own side, closing the gate.

A little later I put the big girls into the coop. One of the bantys was in their coop already and I waited by the coop for a few minutes until the other one went in and then shut their door. They were all in by a few minutes after nine o’clock.

I think it was good for the little girls to have some time to explore and I think some high perches will make a good escape for them. It feels like I will never be confident at leaving them all alone together but I am sure in time that will change.

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6 Responses to Mixing things up

  1. Jackie says:

    You know the old saying .. “The grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
    One day it will all come together in an instant .

    • Carol says:

      So true, my caption was a play on that very phrase. The scratching is better and even the same pellets are better!

      I hope you are right about it suddenly coming together. I feel like we are making some progress but I wouldn’t dare trust them together without me being there.

  2. Marcello Beretta says:

    I remember writing you this but you never publish my comment, anyway you will see with more place to go and hide will be a lot easier ciao from Roma

    • Carol says:

      I am so sorry that I didn’t publish your comment before but I get loads and loads of spam comments and didn’t realise your comment was genuine. I just didn’t expect to get a reader and comment from so far away. Please except my apologise.

      You are right about places to hide. They like to get behind the bush and up high so we will put some more high perches in as soon as possible.

      • Marcello Beretta says:

        Ah ah no problem don’t worry just happy to help as I had the same problem having a small flock with 2 big girls and 2 small ! Take care ciao !

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