Day two with the chicken toy

This afternoon I thought I would try the chicken toy distraction again, while opening the dividing gate as it worked so well yesterday. The difference today was that the bantys have now learned what it is too, so Amber hurtled straight over and tried to take a sunflower heart. Bluebell gave her a swift peck and dislodged a feather so Amber ran back to her side and the little girls were afraid to come back out again.

Once the toy was empty the big girls moved into the other side and carried on scratching and running at the little girls if they dared to get near.

One thing I did notice was that if Bluebell or Dotty got close to Honey she would squat. This would indicate that she may be ready to start egg laying soon. I mistakenly thought that Amber was the more mature when we first got them because she appeared to be practising laying. She went into the coop (or the cardboard box to begin with) every other day during the first six days with us. She hasn’t done so since and I now wonder if she was looking for the security of somewhere to escape to, or if she herself was receiving mixed hormonal messages and it was just a false alarm. Honey is bigger than Amber and her comb is much more red so I am now sure that she is the more mature.

Once they had half an hour together I separated them again and gave the little girls a turn with the chicken toy. This drives the others crazy and they spend the whole time pressed against the wire and making metallic clicks as their beaks keep tapping at the wire.

The big girls have the chicken toy

The big girls have the chicken toy

The little girls have the toy

The little girls have the toy

If sheer determination could get these three through that wire they would be in!

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2 Responses to Day two with the chicken toy

  1. Jackie says:

    2 chicken toys?:)

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