Chicken alarm clock

I am a very light sleeper and look at the clock quite often in the morning between dozing. I have been getting up between half past five and quarter to six to let the bantys out at six o’clock or a bit before six, each morning. This morning I looked at the clock at five o’clock and again at half past five before dozing off again.

The sound of chickens shouting woke me with a start and I realised it was six o’clock. I leapt out of bed and ran straight out to the girls to see what was wrong. There was no sign of anything wrong but although I was talking to the girls, Bluebell just wouldn’t stop shouting at the top of her voice.

I opened the bantys coop and they tumbled out and instantly Bluebell stopped shouting as if a switch had been flicked. All was calm and silent. Could it really have been because I was a little late letting them out! Surely that couldn’t be it, could it? There was no sign of anything amiss and all remained quiet once the little girls were out with Bluebell watching them like a hawk as usual. Who knows what goes on in that little chicken brain!

Yesterday I bought the bantys their own feed dish to replace the ramekin dish they have been using. It fits quite nicely on top of their upturned pot.

New feed dish

New feed dish

The bantys are getting used to me now and will let me get closer to them.

I also dug over both sides of the run. I thought maybe if the big girls side is completely dug over they won’t immediately head into the other side when I open the gate. It probably won’t work but I have to try everything I can think of.

Both sides of the run are dug over

Both sides of the run are dug over

Bluebell and Dotty both have the exactly the same tail up posture while watching the bantys. Pepper as top hen, is definitely the least bothered by them.

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4 Responses to Chicken alarm clock

  1. Amy says:

    Chickens are creatures of habit and routine. And I desperately try not to do anything on too strict of a schedule of they call me out on it. I do let them out of their run into the big garden for a little free range time every late afternoon when I get home from work. On the weekends, I’ll frequently be out there all day in the garden so they are out all day long. I put them away and go inside to get cleaned up and at 5pm, they are screaming to be let out. Doesn’t mater that they were out for 6-8 hours already. They get yard time at 5pm each night.

    Such silly hens.

    • Carol says:

      They are funny aren’t they. I think Bluebell really was shouting because I was late letting the bantys out but you would think, why would she care! She only wants to watch them and peck them when she can. I too try not to be too strict because as you say, they will then want me to stick to it and we can’t let them be in charge all the time!

    • Jackie says:

      Mine are much the same .They have extra space when I am home but don’t really like being shut in for their own safety…But I suppose what you don’t have you don’t miss. I am up early with out an alarm clock and mine are out by 6 this time of the year.
      One day last week I was up before that and looked out and they were all wandering as good as gold in their WIR pecking away .. The back door of their coup had come open ..Or did they prise it open with their beaks?

      • Carol says:

        Clever girls! Perhaps you could teach them to open and shut their coop door themselves.

        The automatic door on the big girls coop is opening at about five o’clock so it’s surprising that they are so aware of me letting the little girls out at six.

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