Sweet peas

In their enclosure the chickens have two big shrubs, a sage bush, a pot of nasturtiums, a pot of mixed herbs, a tray of pak choi as well as weeds and an apple tree. But what do they want? The sweet peas growing outside their enclosure!

We want what’s on the other side


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2 Responses to Sweet peas

  1. Enedina says:

    you have got a really useful blog i have been here reading for about an hour. i am a newbie and your success is very much an inspiration for me..http://www.sedohr.com

  2. Carol says:

    Wow, I am so pleased. I am new to this and wasn’t sure if I could do this at first. I have followed chicken blogs for a few years but only had my own chickens for two weeks now.
    I was inspired by the blogs I read, but thought only my family would read mine. Thank so much for your lovely comment.

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