Getting Ready For My Chickens

A few years ago my son, Steve kept chickens and sparked my interest. From then I started following chicken blogs. I have sponged up enough information now to feel ready to keep them myself.

I researched breeds and decided that I wanted Dominiques. They suit all my needs: small, quiet, friendly, hardy, good egg layers and pretty. I have chosen just one breed in the hope there will be no picking on each other and will use coloured leg rings to tell them apart. I would like three. They are classed as a rare breed in the U.K. and the only farm I have found that breeds them is in Dorset about an hour and a half journey from me. I am keeping in contact with them to see when they will be ready for collection, they think it will be the end of May as the earlier cold spell we had set them back a month in coming in to lay. (You can’t hurry nature), I have to be patient!

We set about getting ready for them. First we cleared the area of the garden that they are going to have, it has two big shrubs and an apple tree which I think will be chicken proof and add interest for them.

Clearing the site ready for the chicken coop and run

Then Steve and his girlfriend ordered the coop and put it together for us, in return for dinner and beer.

Steve building the coop

Steve finishing the coop

We got a professional in to build the run as we wanted a good job. It’s full height with a wind proof and dry area for the coop leading on to the garden area.

Coop inside the run

Inside the run looking out

Inside the run looking out

The finished run

We are pleased with our set up, all it needs now is chickens.  I am very excited, just another month to wait.

As a foot note to this post, I would like to thank the blogs that helped me on my way. I have followed “The Hen Cam” for two years now and Terry is a font of knowledge on all things chicken and has helped me to feel ready now. “Tilly’s Nest” introduced me to her “Tour De Coup” which led me to “The Spice Girls” which is where I got a lot of ideas for our set up and also to “Natural Wanderings” which helped me choose Dominiques. Thank you all.


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