Lettuce from my hand

Yesterday afternoon I took the the girls a chunk of lettuce. I held it out to them and they pecked at it as I held it, with Pepper getting very close to my fingers. Once I put it down they completely lost interest and didn’t touch it for the rest of the day. Do they prefer me to hand feed them?

Pepper’s crop has remained looking lop sided. She feeds with vigour and is happy, tail up, runs,  jumps and seems fine in every other way. When they were putting themselves to bed yesterday evening, I saw my chance to pick her up. As she was hovering in the coop door way, I quickly scooped her up. I felt her crop once again and it still feels soft, both sides feel the same. I returned her to the doorway and she went about her way. I have now satisfied myself that her crop is soft, both in the morning when empty and in the evening when full. Maybe she is just meant to be bigger one side than the other. I will continue to watch them all closely.

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