Snow is back in lay

This morning Snow was in and out of the nest box.

Snow in the nest box
Snow looking beautiful

Snow later settled and laid an egg. She had only taken a two week break from when she laid her last egg.

Snow’s tiny but perfect egg

Well done Snow! We now have five girls laying, Red, the three game girls and Snow. That should increase egg production.


Today, the day after Snow laid, Gold also came back into lay. She had only taken a one week break since she laid her last egg. I didn’t manage to catch her in the nest box but she had been in and out earlier. Later her egg was in the nest box and is bigger and whiter than the game girls so I knew it was her egg.

This now gives us six girls laying. We should be getting plenty of eggs now.

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2 Responses to Snow is back in lay

  1. marionparo says:

    How nice 5 girls laying.

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