Worming the girls

I usually worm the girls in March and September. I have been waiting for Snow to come out of her broody spell to start but then Gold went broody. I decided to get on with it as there will probably be a succession of broody girls.

I always mix the flubenvet powder into mash in four little dishes for seven consecutive days. This means all the girls get some and is an easy way to do it.

Worming the girls
They all get a share

Gold doesn’t seem too committed as when she hears me come through the gate she pops out to see if I have any treats. She had her share and then returned to the nest box. Each girl got stuck in straight away so it is very easy to do.

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4 Responses to Worming the girls

  1. marionparo says:

    Good job done.

  2. DAVID says:

    They look so healthy, I’d be surprised if there were any worms.

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