Snow is through her broody spell already

Snow was out in the run this morning instead of in the nest box. I expected her to return to the nest box but she stayed out in the run all day. After only three days of being broody she is done with it already.

Snow is such an easy broody girl. She allows me to take her out without any protest and always goes to the food and water and then preens or dust baths before returning to the nest box. She allows me to perch her at bedtime and stays put.

I think this may be why Snow comes through it so quickly. I looked back at last year’s egg records and when broody she only took a two week break each time before she started laying again. This means it won’t be long before Snow is laying again.

Snow is through her broody spell

Autumn is still sitting in the nest box every other day. She puts a few pine shavings on her back and comes out shouting but no egg. I am now certain she won’t lay again but the odd thing is that she doesn’t seem aware of that.

Autumn having her sit in the nest box
Gold in the nest box with her wing over her egg
Red in the nest box
Sugar soaking up the sun
Mango and Cloud in the sun together
Storm in the sun
Gold close up

Gold is hard to photograph without it being really close up. As soon as I point the camera at her she is right in my face so I thought I would go with this photo as it’s so typical of her.

Autumn and Sugar having some apple
Mango and Cloud sharing some apple in unison as usual

A happy flock of girls and still plenty of eggs with plenty more to come.

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4 Responses to Snow is through her broody spell already

  1. DAVID says:

    You’ve done well to ‘break’ her as quickly and, as you say, her pattern is to come back into lay in a couple of weeks, which is great.

    • Carol says:

      I didn’t really have to do much for her. I just lifted her out every time I went in the run and perched her at bedtime. It’s so much better when they are not so committed, that is as long as you don’t want them to hatch eggs, which I don’t.

  2. marionparo says:

    A flock of happy girls.

    • Carol says:

      They do look happy when they hang out in the sun together or they peck at the apple together. They are a very together flock which is lovely to see.

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