Another first egg of the year

It’s been a race to see which girl would be next to lay their first egg of the year. Gold has been squatting for a while and very vocal. Storm has also been very vocal. Then yesterday Autumn also squatted and she had been looking in the nest boxes for a few days.

Yesterday Autumn settled in the nest box and I felt sure she was going to lay. Later she was out in the run and no egg. Sometimes the girls have a bit of a practice before they start laying. I felt sure that Autumn would probably lay soon.

Autumn in the nest box

Today it was Gold’s turn. Gold kept going in the nest box and scratching around but not settling down.

Gold in the nest box

I checked back a bit later and Gold was settled in the nest box.

Gold is settled in the nest box

I then realised Gold had laid as she started moving her egg around.

Gold has laid her first egg of the year
Gold’s egg in the middle

I arranged the eggs in size order with Red’s egg on the right, Gold’s egg in the middle and snow’s egg on the left. Well done Gold!

I don’t think it will be long before we have a few more girls laying. It is so good to have plenty of eggs again and I think I can now stop buying eggs.


Later in the day both Red and Snow were in the nest box and both laid an egg despite the fact that they had both laid the day before. This gave us our first, three egg day, of the year.

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