Size comparison

I have been waiting for the chance to get some photos of Autumn and Red together. I wanted to show a size comparison between the two of them.

I think Red is bigger than Autumn but I also thought it may partly be an illusion because Red has lighter coloured feathers.

They don’t often hang out together so it’s not easy to get a direct comparison. However I think that Autumn is narrower than Red and Red is also a bit taller than Autumn.

Size comparison between Red on the left and Autumn on the right
And again
Sugar is in the foreground in her usual sitting position
Most of the girls are grouped together
These two girls are always together
Often apart from the rest of the flock but always together
Wyandottes have the fluffiest bottoms – Red
Fluffy bottom – Autumn

Autumn has the distinct wyandotte shape. Red is a less distinct shape. She is more rounded and fluffy. She is a beautiful girl. It will be interesting to see if she turns out to be a good egg layer when she eventually starts laying. Time will tell.

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6 Responses to Size comparison

  1. Jenny says:

    Your girls are looking really good. Most of mine are in the middle of a serious moult so I’m glad the weather is mild.

    • Carol says:

      Most of mine moulted quite early this year and are through it. Sugar though is moulting now and there are piles of her feathers every day but she doesn’t look much different just a little disheveled. As you say they should be through it before the cold weather. It’s lovely to hear from you by the way.

  2. DAVID says:

    Red does look bigger to me. She is really beautiful and her wattles are at full size and probably her comb, too. It is strange how birds of the same breed can be radically different sizes – one of my 3 silver sussex is huge compared to the smallest of the three. I have had a small, light-brown egg x 4 this past week and wonder if it is one of the new starters (now 27 weeks), but I haven’t heard any of them ‘singing’ or anywhere near the nest boxes.

    • Carol says:

      Red is a beautiful girl. I noticed in these photos that her wattles and comb are now properly red. Her wattles are full size but her comb isn’t as big as Autumn’s although different girls vary anyway. She isn’t squatting though or showing any interest in the nest box. I still don’t think she is going to lay this year. Snow never did the egg song. She never made a sound after laying. I think she may not start laying again as she usually starts after two weeks and it’s now been longer than that. Another thing that I have just realised is that Autumn, as a second year girl, hasn’t moulted. I wonder if because she hasn’t laid all summer that she may not moult this year. They do like to keep us guessing!

  3. marionparo says:

    Some very nice pictures, lovely girls.

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