One of the advantages of having chickens is that garden weeds have now become chicken treats.
Dotty and Bluebell check out the weeds while Pepper is in the nest box laying her egg.
Dotty and Bluebell have stayed in sync with their egg laying for over a week now. Every morning they both go into the nest box together and a short while later there are two eggs side by side.
Pepper lays her egg late in the afternoon and is much more erratic with her egg laying. Bluebell will lay about twenty days in a row and Dotty about ten days in a row before missing one day and repeating the pattern. Pepper will lay two or three days in a row then take one, two or three days off at a time. She is happy and healthy though so I’m not worried.
I am looking forward to seeing bantam eggs soon and it will be interesting to see if they will be able to share the nest box or if we will have to add another.