Eggs, one girl stops and one girl starts

Snow, who was recently our only egg layer, went broody two days ago. She had laid thirteen eggs in three weeks. Today Sugar has come back in to lay after a three week break. Sugar will only lay six or seven eggs before going broody again but it may just take us up to Snow coming back into lay.

We seem to be following a pattern of one girl stops and one girl starts.

Sugar in the nest box today

At this end of the year we are just happy to have any eggs at all. Well done Sugar!

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4 Responses to Eggs, one girl stops and one girl starts

  1. DAVID says:

    Sugar looks in excellent form – it’s hard to believe you thought you were losing her not so long ago. Even with a bigger flock, eggs are suddenly in very short supply – we did have 5 today, but that’s the most for over a week, 2 or 3 being the norm. My light sussex pullets look tantalisingly close and way ahead of any of the others (will email you a photo over the next couple of days).

    • Carol says:

      I know, I really thought we were close to losing her. Yet that photo, tail straight up and lovely red face and comb, she looks the picture of health. She does still sit most of the time though but in between she looks amazing. Sounds like you may have some pullets laying soon. I have to say Red still doesn’t seem to have matured at all. She seems stuck in a time warp. I did think today that she looks a little bigger than Autumn though. I will try to get a photo of the two together soon. I will look forward to a photo from you.

  2. marionparo says:

    What a great picture, she certainly is looking good.

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