Frog in the garden and then in the chicken run!

A few days ago I saw a frog in the garden.


I haven’t been able to identify it despite googling it. It was quite big, about three to four inches long. I only managed this one photo before it jumped away.

I was walking up to the chickens when it jumped in front of me and to my amazement it squeezed through the weld mesh into the chicken run. It looked too big to fit through the weld mesh.

It was trapped in a corner and soon had a semi circle of girls surrounding it. It made no attempt to go back through the weld mesh. I knew that I had to get it out as it might be toxic if the girls pecked it plus it would be harmed if they pecked it.

I put on a disposable glove and picked it up round it’s middle and made my way to the chicken gate as quickly as possible. It cried all the way. I hadn’t ever heard a frog cry before and didn’t even know they could cry. By the time I reached the chickens’ patio it was peeing a torrent of liquid. I felt so sorry for it as it was obviously terrified. I made it out and it jumped into the garden.

It stayed under the leaves so I went back with my husband and my camera. He managed to see it too and I got just this one photo before it jumped away.

It then disappeared so hopefully it was okay. If anyone knows what sort of frog it is I would love to know.


I have now found that it is a common frog. I think it was a young one by the way it was crying so I didn’t recognise it at first. It is brighter and doesn’t have the vertical stripes running down both sides of it’s back like the ones I found photos of. I didn’t realise common frogs were so big. It was very pretty.

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4 Responses to Frog in the garden and then in the chicken run!

  1. marionparo says:

    In Sheringham we had frogs and toads in the garden all the time, I miss them here, have not seen one since we came here.

    • Carol says:

      We used to see one every year but haven’t seen one now for several years. I had forgotten how pretty the markings were and how big they are. It’s a shame I had to scare it by picking it up but I couldn’t risk it getting pecked. I don’t know if the girls would have pecked it but didn’t want to take the chance.

  2. DAVID says:

    Not something I can ever remember having in pour current house, but we are a long way from any form of pond water.

    • Carol says:

      That’s the odd thing, we too are a long way from any form of water. It has always surprised me. We do have a very full garden though so lots of undergrowth but no water near by.

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