Gold is having a really shabby moult

Most of the girls haven’t looked much different while moulting. Gold however looks the most shabby while moulting that she has ever looked.

Gold is looking really scruffy
But she does have pins coming through

Gold has one tail feather remaining. She had lost all the tiny feathers around her face and comb which gave her really odd look. She now has pins through around her face and comb.

It won’t be long before Gold looks back to normal. At least some of the girls are getting through the moult before winter. It does seem to have come early this year though.

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4 Responses to Gold is having a really shabby moult

  1. DAVID says:

    She’ll look pristine with her new feathers in a few weeks – and good that she’s through the moult before the colder weather starts.

    • Carol says:

      That’s true. I looked back at my photos from last year and she had a much more gradual moult and also much later. I think it depends a lot on when they go broody which brings on an earlier moult.

  2. marionparo says:

    She will soon be looking her lovely self.

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