
Two days ago we lost our beautiful Dot. She was unique with her beautiful comb and her dark eyes and her lovely character. She came in as bottom girl but grew in confidence and worked her way up the pecking order. She also had a lovely melodic voice which was quite unlike the other girls.

She had some funny ways. She would often stand in a corner looking out as if on guard. She was our best egg layer and never went broody. She liked to lay her eggs with another girl so if she wanted to lay and there was already a girl in a nest box she would choose that one. We often found her egg next to another girls’ egg.

Dot was really friendly and easy to pick up. She liked her food and at bedtime would often be lop sided because her crop would be huge. She had the biggest crop of any of our girls. She was such a lovely girl and will be very much missed.

Dot was four years old and came to us when she was a year old. She laid an egg on her first day with us.

May 2022 – Dot soon after she came to us
October 2022 – Dot molting
January 2023 – Dot dust bathing with her flock mates
February 2023 – Dot part of the, then flock, of eight
April 2023 – Dot shares a nest box with a broody Sugar
May 2023 – Dot in a nest box
August 2023 – Dot is part of a different flock of eight
August 2023 – Dot close up
March 2024 – Dot and Gold share a nest box
April 2024 – Dot sun bathing
May 2024 – Dot is part of a wheel of girls sharing a dish of chopped tomato
May 2024 – Dot sun bathing with storm and Mango
July 2024 – Dot looking beautiful

Goodbye my lovely girl. Dot is very much missed.

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4 Responses to Dot

  1. DAVID says:

    As always, a lovely tribute to a much-loved girl. Her comb was amazing – but it’s clear that she was much more than her comb! A lovely collection of photos and reflections.

  2. marionparo says:

    A lovely tribute for a lovely girl, a very loved little girl. X

    • Carol says:

      She was much loved. It always seems that the most lovely girls have too short a life but I suppose it will always feel like that. X

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