What does this remind you of!

We have had a fledgling blackbird in the garden for a while. It spends a lot of time around the strawberries and raspberries. It lets us get quite close to it and I have been dropping any squashed or damaged fruit in front of it. We have also seen it help itself to fruit from the plants too.

Yesterday it was sunning itself on the path between the strawberries and raspberries. It so reminded me of the chickens sunning themselves.

I went inside for my camera. I started clicking while gradually moving closer to it. I got within a couple of feet before it flitted away.

Young blackbird sunning itself
I am getting closer to it
As close as I could get

It has been lovely having this bird get so close to us. We don’t mind it taking a few of our fruits. There have been plenty enough to share.

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4 Responses to What does this remind you of!

  1. marionparo says:

    How lovely to have the bird trust you enough to come so close.

    • Carol says:

      This blackbird has been very like robins usually are. It lets us get really close and if we stand still and watch, it carries on around us as if we aren’t there. We think because we haven’t scared it and have dropped fruit in front of it, it trusts us.

  2. DAVID says:

    That’s the first time I’ve seen that classic chicken pose in wild birds. Lovely to see, and well done on capturing it!

    • Carol says:

      I’ve seen the occasional bird do this on a shed roof but this is the first time in the garden. It was lovely that it let me get so close.

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