I decided to try giving the girls mash as a treat yesterday, thank you “flock mistress” for the suggestion. Mash is just the pellets that the chickens eat all the time but with warm water added to them to make a smooth mixture. Giving them this as a treat is good for them because they are just getting their normal food but they love it because it’s a different texture.
I put the mash in the white dish that they recognise as their treats dish. The girl’s went crazy for it and would have licked the dish clean if they could. I think I will give them this once a week.
The girl’s enjoyed the mash as much as they do fish or scrambled egg. I think they must like the smooth texture and I suppose compared to dry pellets it is a nice change for them. It has the advantage of giving them a treat that’s good for them because it is the well balanced feed that they should be having, definitely a treat that I will make a regular for them.
You can add all sorts of things to their mash … oats, natural yoghurt (only occasionally), cod liver oil, even medicines (Flubenvet for worms) 🙂
That’s a great idea, a good way to get meds down when needed. I give them a dish of live natural yogurt about once every three weeks and they love it.