We love peas

This morning I took the girls their breakfast treat and they came running as soon as they saw me, as usual. I then saw that Poppy had a bit of twig stuck in her leg ring, which she was trying her best to remove. They were all close around my feet waiting to see what I had for them,  so I let her get close to me, then quickly picked her up. I removed the twig and although she was calm in my arms, she was very vocal about her displeasure at being picked up. When I put her down, all three ran under the shrub to show me they were not happy about that. They soon returned though to see what I had for them. The amusing thing was Poppy remembered what she was doing, before I picked her up and returned to picking at her leg ring. She looked slightly surprised that it had magically disappeared.

I then offered them cooked peas for the second morning running. This time they were straight to them, no hesitation!

We love peas

Is Poppy a roo? Look at her tail

I am still concerned that Poppy may be a roo. Poppy on the left has a longer, curved tail. Dominiques have rounded, blunt tails like Dotty on the right. I do hope I turn out to be wrong because I love them so much already and would hate to have to give her up. I am trying not to think about it too much, only time will tell.


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4 Responses to We love peas

  1. Flock Mistress says:

    Yea, I do see the size difference. But I’m still not seeing roo in the comb. Gosh. Such a tough call. Did you call the place where you bought them and have a chat w/ them?

    You could also try the “paper” airplane trick. You sail a paper airplane over their heads. As close to their heads as possible. Hens will duck and roos will stand tall.

  2. Carol says:

    Their combs still haven’t developed yet, but Dominiques have a typical round, blunt tail and Poppy’s is not that shape, which is my main concern. They also have plump chests which poppy doesn’t have.
    I have e-mailed the farm and called today but couldn’t get through and will try again tomorrow.
    I also contacted Terry of “Hen Cam” about Pepper’s crop and Poppy. Terry thought Pepper is okay but “Poppy may be Peter”. Watch this spot! Love Poppy though!!

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  4. Carol says:

    Thank you. I am new to this and have been really pleased to read such lovely comments.

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