Beak to beak

Seeing Pepper and Dotty beak to beak yesterday, brought back memories of when I first had them at only a month old.

Dotty and Pepper beak to beak yesterday

Dotty and Pepper beak to beak yesterday

Pepper on the right and Dotty on the left.

Dotty and Pepper beack to beack at a month old

Dotty and Pepper beak to beak at a month old

Pepper on the right and Dotty on the left (they even seem to keep to the same position)

Dotty and Pepper beack to beack

Dotty and Poppy beak to beak

Dotty in the foreground and Poppy facing the camera.

Poppy turned out to be a roo and had to be returned to the farm where I had got her from (they were going to breed from Poppy) and I then bought home Treacle and Bluebell. Pepper and Dotty have been really close since these early days and this early behaviour still exists between them. I love that I can look back at them at only a month old and yet see this behaviour replicated now when they are adult. These two girls are still a tight pair and I don’t think this early bond will easily be broken.

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2 Responses to Beak to beak

  1. Jackie says:

    Once again great photos! I just love them .

  2. Carol says:

    It took me ages to find them ( it’s much harder finding old photos), but I was determined as they are so cute. I had forgotten how little they were back then. Dotty hardly had any tail.

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