Today I wanted to take some close ups of the girls and capture their faces. This is incredibly difficult as they always move just as I click and unlike other pets won’t look up when you call their name. Many of the best ones were blurred as they moved when I clicked, chickens are not still for more than seconds!
Bluebell is the easiest to photograph and Pepper is incredibly difficult, it’s almost as if she is camera shy. She won’t look to camera and always dips her head or turns away as I click. I did my best!
I managed to capture Bluebell from each side of her floppy comb.
This shows the black mark on Dotty’s beak, she also has longer wattles than Pepper.
It was such a shame that Bluebell turned her head away just as I clicked but I have included it because it is a rare one of Pepper’s face.
I think there is so much character in these faces.
You have the cutest girls. Now I’m inspired to try and get some close ups of my girls. I’m long overdue to post some updated photos of them.
Thank you. You are definitely overdue an update, I have really missed your posts and would love to see your girls now. I will look forward to that. Close ups are tricky but I love their faces, all so different.
I just love your Bluebell. She is beautiful…Very different from any others I have seen …I must get my camera out more….We could have a beauty contest of chickens
I think they are all beautiful but that’s because I am biased. Bluebell does have some tatty belly feathers though, not quite sure what is going on there. You can see them on the second photo, they look like they should fall out but have been hanging on a while. She does have the fluffiest of bottoms though!