Since we lost Treacle, Pepper has taken her place as top hen. She is a good top hen as she is a mild character and doesn’t peck much. Pepper gets the biggest worms when I fork over the garden area and is always last to bed. As she has grown in confidence she has given Bluebell a quick peck when she gets in her way, to show her she is now top.
Bluebell goes to look in the coop many times a day, which she never did before we lost Treacle. I am sure she is still looking for her. The girls stick closer to me at the moment but they look healthy and there is harmony in the flock. When I give treats, I now put down one dish instead of two and there has been no squabbling.
I did consider whether to get another hen or perhaps a couple of bantams but realise it would be selfish as it would be for me not for the flock. It could upset the flock as it’s not always easy to add new members and as they are calm and happy now, I decided the best thing is to stay as we are. If we ever got down to two girls then I think I would add another two, but now think we should take time to enjoy these three girls after our recent upset.
I have thought over past events many times and know that I must stop dwelling on it as we will never know why Treacle became ill.
Dotty has laid four days in a row before taking a day off which is really good as a new layer. Yesterday she had been going in and out of the nest box in the late afternoon. When I went in to do my evening sweep up I opened the nest box to see if she had laid yet. There was no egg but Dotty jumped into the nest box from outside of the coop and settled down so I gently closed the lid. I resumed my sweeping up and a few moments later she emerged from the coop. I looked in the nest box again and sure enough there was her egg, all toasty warm. She had a quick feed and drink before going in to bed.
I still really miss Treacle, it is strange not seeing her rush to greet me and I miss her big brown splash of colour when I go up to the girls. I have to remember to give a quarter less when I dish out the treats and in the morning my clean up is noticeably quicker with a quarter less poop to pick up, but there is harmony in the flock at the moment and I am determined to enjoy these girls and do the very best for them that I can.