As the girls are still growing their new feathers I thought a protein treat of fish would be good for them.
It’s easier to get a group shot now there are only seven girls. The girls have been having tylan in the water for two and a half weeks now. I am going to keep them on it for three weeks as Salmon still has a slight wheeze although it has improved.
It concerns me that it is taking so long for Salmon to stop wheezing altogether and I worry that I may still lose her yet. Apart from the wheeze she looks normal and is active, doing all the usual chicken things and eating well.
I dread the thought of losing any more girls but there is nothing else I can do for them. I just have to hope that Salmon can shake this off. I am keeping everything crossed.
They look like they are all enjoying their treat.Hope Salmom gets better soon.
They loved it. It was all gone in about five minutes. I still am hoping Salmon will shake this off.
Lucky chickens! Come on Salmon! xx
I echo that. xx
Fingers crossed for Salmon, and for you! On another note, Speckles’ plumage looks stunning.
I am actually amazed by how well Speckles looks. For her age she she is looking really good.