If one preens, we all preen!

After the girls have eaten, they like to preen together. They are so together that it can be difficult to tell where one begins and another ends.

If one preens, we all preen!

It’s been difficult to get any good photos, between the constant showers, but I quite liked this one of poppy and Dotty.

Poppy and Dotty

I am trying not to worry if Poppy is a roo as only time will tell.

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2 Responses to If one preens, we all preen!

  1. Flock Mistress says:

    Oooo, GREAT photo. I don’t see roo at all. I say chill and wait and see. I really think you have a hen there. By 8 weeks, you’d see that comb popping out and turning red.

    And yes, EVERYTHING is a group sport, eating, drinking, preening. Chickens crack me up every day.

  2. Carol says:

    I am feeling better about this now, perhaps I was jumping to conclusions too soon. Poppy seems different to the other two but perhaps she is just a different hen!

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