My poor Treacle

Treacle’s first day after her second injection didn’t go as well as last time. This morning at first light I took the syringe with her medicine in and a dish of tuna separately, so as not to waste the medicine if she wouldn’t eat the tuna. I picked her up and offered her the tuna and was disappointed that refused to touch it.

A little later we syringed the medicine into her beak once more. I then gave the girls the last of the maggots and this was the only time all day that Treacle joined in with the feeding. Other than that she only ate a few little bits of tomato and grapes. She is slow and just stands in the garden area most of the day, showing little interest in anything.

At bed time I sat in with them and the only thing Treacle went to was the grit. She looked up at me with such a sad look that it broke my heart. I noticed that her comb, which lost it’s redness, when she fist became ill, had shrunk some more and now looked quite grey. The other three girls have lovely red combs.

My only hope now is that today she is still suffering from the stress of yesterday, having anaesthetic and another larger injection, and that after another nights rest she may feel  a little better. I know that I am probably kidding myself though.

I know that if she is not better tomorrow, I will soon have a decision to make because I can’t let her suffer. I have been very tearful while struggling with this. I never knew this was going to be so heartbreaking.

I had never handled a chicken before getting these girls eight months ago but recently with Treacle I have picked her up, carried her round, had her sat on my lap, sometimes for long periods in the vets waiting room, bathed her and hand fed her. I have had the most intimate moments with Treacle. When I held her while the vet examined her she was calm but when he took her for her x-ray she squawked at him. She looks up at me and makes sad little noises and I know she wants me to help her, but I feel so helpless!

I am willing her to get better with all my strength, but I know I have done everything I can for her and if she doesn’t improve over the next few days then she probably won’t.  I feel so upset right now.

Treacle was the first to sit on my lap and used to jump on my back at every chance she got. She has been a good top hen and stopped Dotty from bullying. The flock dynamics will not be the same if she goes. I have loved having her sat on my lap for a bit of attention. I am finding this so hard but must wait to see what tomorrow brings and hope for an improvement.

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2 Responses to My poor Treacle

  1. Flock Mistress says:

    Oh, I’m so sorry. I TOTALLY know what you are going through. Sending healing thoughts.

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