My plan didn’t work

I went out to the chickens before first light this morning. I disconnected the automatic coop door opener and took the side off of the coop. I took Treacle out and put the side back on then offered her the dish of scrambled egg.

The other three girls were calling to be let out as they always do every morning as soon as they hear me come through the gate, let alone opening the side and removing one of them.

Treacle looked upset and confused at being separated from them and couldn’t understand why they weren’t coming out. She totally ignored the dish of food. I knew then that it wouldn’t work separating her because she was just too stressed to want to eat anything.

I let the other girls out and took the dish away to split between two dishes and bring back in later. I thought this would give Treacle more of a chance to get some. That didn’t work either! The three girls quickly demolished it while Treacle stood and watched, making no attempt to join in.

I am really worried that Treacle isn’t eating any pellets and is only eating treats and even these less enthusiastically than usual. She is just not her normal self.

Later I took two pots in with live yogurt and some poultry spice mixed in. They all ate it including Treacle but again not as enthusiastically as the others. At least she ate some though.

Yogurt with poultry spice mixed in

Yogurt with poultry spice mixed in

After lunch I gave the girls the other half of the maggots. Once again they made short work of those and Treacle ate a share of them.

The other thing I have noticed is that Treacle has had some green poops. I put this down to her having greens each day and not eating pellets to dilute it but I have just done some research and read that it can also be a sign of worms. This has put me into my next panic and I am going back to the vet in our local pet store tomorrow to order some Flubinvet or any similar worming product. I also read that it is good to use a ground sanitising powder so will ask for this too. I will try cutting out the greens as well.

I have also read that a little oily fish is a good source of protein when they are molting so may try that tomorrow too. I hate to see her under the weather and will try anything to help her along.

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5 Responses to My plan didn’t work

  1. Flock Mistress says:

    I know how alarming this can be. Hang in there. She’ll likely be okay. When my Ginger did her first molt, she barely ate and I tried everything to get her to eat. For an entire month, there was NO poop under her roost spot at night and I freaked. But she came around. So I totally feel your pain.

    Keep an eye on her and keep up the good work. But I’ll bet she’s going to come through just fine.

  2. Kelly says:

    I see that physically separating Treacle did not work out as well as planned. One other thing you can try is to put a dish of food on a chair or stool and have her jump up to eat it (this is what I do for my smallest hen, because she keeps getting chased away from the food dishes). That way, Treacle will be able to see her flockmates and won’t feel isolated and might eat something. I know the other hens like to sit on your lap/head, so when they come onto the chair with Treacle, you may want to move them back down to the ground, to show Treacle that the food dish is “hers” when you are there.

    Best of luck to you.

    • Carol says:

      I did think of trying to feed her when she sits on my lap but it’s getting the timing right. I will give anything a try though,thanks for the advice.

  3. Carol says:

    A whole month! She’s been like this a week now but at least that gives me some sort of time scale. It’s hard when you know they are not right. I have read that cooked rice and oily fish can be given so will try that today.

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