We have had a few mornings lately when there has been frost on our cabin roof but this morning was the first morning that we had a ground frost.
I said on my last post that I don’t like the cold and dark afternoons. I don’t like frosty mornings either. Luckily as the day went on we had blue sky and sunshine but by five o’clock it was dark and the chickens were in the shed with the pop hole door closed.
I find it always takesĀ bit of getting used to when the clocks go back. I would prefer it if the clocks were left alone but there is nothing we can do about it but grin and bear it!
We had our first frost today, not in the garden, but on the common. back to wearing gloves.
We are not alone then. Yes, back to wearing winter cloths. Definitely feeling like winter is well on it’s way.