Automatic door opener

We have an automatic door opener on our coop, that works with a light sensor. I have caught it closing at dusk between 8.00 and 9.30pm. I always check on the chickens several times before and after it closes to make sure they are shut safely inside. They put themselves to bed about 7.00pm, so no worries there. If I look in on them quietly they stay put, but on one occasion when we had family round and were chatting, they came out again for a last forage around, then returned. Now I try not to disturb them.

I haven’t managed to see it opening though. It gets light before 5.00am at the moment and I go in to say hello and give them a morning treat between 6.30 and 7.00am. Today I decided to try to see when it opened and how soon they came out. I went out at 4.45am, which was first light and I could hear the dawn chorus, but it was still closed. I went back to bed and returned at 5.15am to find it open and the chickens already at the feeding station, I leave the food and water out so that they have access to it as soon as they come out. I think this means it opens about 5.00am and they must come out straight away. I was a bit disappointed that I hadn’t come out again in between and managed to see it, but at least I have a better idea for another morning. As it was raining, I was reluctant to hang around.

One of the purposes of doing this today, was to see how Peppers crop looks first thing, when it is empty. It looks much less noticeable but still slightly lop sided. It does appear to be slightly improving though. I will continue with the maggots and watch her closely.

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2 Responses to Automatic door opener

  1. Steve says:

    Wow that’s a good effort getting up at that time to see them first thing. I don’t even know what 4:45 am is!

    I hope Pepper gets better soon.

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