We had some snow during the night last night, and more during the day today. This is the chickens first experience of snow. The step down into the garden part of the run had a light covering of snow on it this morning. The chooks headed towards it saw the snow and did an about turn. I could almost read their thoughts “I am not standing on that!”.
I brushed the snow from the step and immediately the girls headed out to the garden. During the day as the snow started falling again they retreated to the patio area. I could see they were not impressed. I would have liked to take a photo of them in the snow but they were not having that!
This photo shows how well the plastic covering plus the umbrella are keeping the corner area dry. We hope in summer to take the plastic covering off and just keep the umbrella for wet summer days. We just hope this summer won’t be as wet as last summer.
We feel we got the top of the run improved just in time. The chicken net may have drooped under the weight of snow but with the chicken wire over thick wooden struts, we feel it’s strong enough to withstand snow.
As we had more snow during the day, it piled up on the corrugated plastic roof of the patio area and made it quite dark. The floodlight we put up at the weekend came in useful when I went in to do my afternoon sweep up.
The girls usually go to bed at half past four but I suddenly realised it was nearly five o’clock and they hadn’t gone in because they were still pottering about on the floodlit patio. I turned the light off and the sudden darkness confused them. The automatic coop door closed and the girls went behind the coop under the nest box. I know that chickens can’t see in the dark so I held the coop door open and shone my torch near it. One by one they filed in and I closed the door. I will try in future not to plunge them into sudden darkness.
Well if you walked around everywhere bare-foot you probably wouldn’t want to stand on snow either!
As for the floodlight, I had one in my garden and it always used to confuse my chickens too. The don’t care what time of day it is, just how dark it is. One time I came out in the middle of the night because I realised one of them was asleep on the roof, and when I turned the floodlight on and woke her up she started scratching about like it was morning already!
It’s probably best to avoid turning it on around bed time.
I already came to the conclusion that it’s not good to turn it on at bedtime. It will be handy when I want to clear up earlier in the morning though. I used it one morning and as soon as I turned it on the coop door opened and the girls are always happy to come out a bit earlier.
I did wonder if they would stay out all night if there was a light on. They are not going to get the chance though.