Yesterday I spotted a pretty moth in the chicks part of the run by the hatch. I hadn’t seen one like this before.
The chicks don’t run off now when I am around them. I think that now they have more space and they have realised that I am not out to grab them they are more relaxed around me.
Dandelion loves a dust bath in the sun. She is my little sun worshipper. Whereas Emerald will sit in a patch of shade Dandelion will always choose the sun. Dandelion hasn’t laid an egg for a week now and I just hope she continues not to lay. Freckles hasn’t laid for two weeks. Cinnamon continues to be the only girl laying.
Emerald and Speckles are both moulting. Emerald is showing her age and spends a lot of time sitting and snoozing. When I go out to let the chicks out around five each morning Emerald will take her time coming out and is now always last out. She seems fine in herself though and is just naturally slowing down.
My next move is to open up the rest of the chicks half of the run and try to encourage them out into a bigger space. Watch this space.
That is a lovely, unusual moth, I have never seen one like that before, The girls look happy sunbathing.
It was actually prettier than the photo as it had blue at the bottom edges of the wings that didn’t show in the photo. I will try to google it later but it’s quite difficult to describe. The girls have all enjoyed dust bathing in turn.
I can’t believe how fast your chicks are growing!
I know, me too. I can’t imagine them in the hamster cage now. I will be updating soon, just been busy. They have been exploring the rest of their half of the run.
The moth turned out to be a scarlet tiger moth.