After a few dry days, last night it rained all night and the forecast is more to come and possible snow. Today we put another plastic cover over the garden corner of the run and secured it with batons. We chose a thicker plastic this time and instead of the makeshift bamboo canes to hold the inside edge, I threaded some stiff wire through the plastic before we put it over the top.
I then secured the open edge by threading garden wire through the stiff wire and round the chicken wire roof. This time instead of trimming off the bit of plastic hanging over the side of the run we decided to leave it for a while and see if it helps to keep the rain out of the side a bit. It doesn’t look very attractive but may be worth it if it keeps the run drier.
I then poured some water from the watering can over the top (standing on the step ladder) to see if it would pool. Because the wooden struts have given the top more of a slope it didn’t pool so no need to make drainage holes this time. However it did appear to drain back into the covered area which was rather disappointing but my husband thinks that as it was a windy day the water may have blown back in. We won’t be able to tell how well this works until we get the next rain.
We do feel happier that if it snows the roof is now sturdy enough to hold up under a bit more weight.
We now have the top rat proof but yesterday my husband saw a rat run under the wooden step during the afternoon and Dotty was shouting at it. Then this morning I found another cobble pushed out and a tunnel underneath. I am still amazed at the strength they must have to push the cobbles out! We decided that we must do something as a temporary measure until our guys can come back to concrete the box.
My husband dug a trench in front of the box and put a vertical layer of spare roof tiles in front of it. He then put a layer of wooden planks in the bottom then filled it back in with soil. He then took out the cobbles and small slab from the top of the box and put a layer of tiles under the slab instead of the cobbles. We feel this should keep them out until we can get it filled with concrete which should be the last job needing to be done we hope!
My husband then decided it was time to put my Christmas presents in the run. He fitted the flood light in the run for me.
He fitted the plant holder, it just needs some pots and plants but those will come later.
We then added the antique boot scraper my husband bought me for Christmas.
Lastly we put the boot cleaner just outside the run.
As for the chickens, they are not at all bothered about all these improvements. As long as I turn up with some treats they are happy.
Dotty finally seems to be growing up at last. In the last week suddenly her wattles have grown, her face has got a more red colour and finally her backward spiked comb is starting to show. She still loves to jump on my back or shoulder at any chance she gets. I wonder about this behaviour because when Treacle was almost mature, she too wanted to jump on me all the time. These days Treacle and Bluebell just jump on me sometimes and Pepper looks like she really wants to but can’t quite pluck up the courage, but Dotty who at one time didn’t interact with me at all, is always jumping on me. I wonder if it’s something to do with the pre grown up stage but I don’t have a clue why this should be.
I also saw Dotty take the grit today and now wonder if she may start to lay this side of spring. Our baby Dotty (at eight months), seems to be growing up at last!