Even the girl’s dandelion strip is looking good at the moment. I decided to add some self seeded plants last year to bring a bit of colour to their patch. The self seeded antirrhinums (commonly known as snap dragons) are the prettiest colour we have had so far. We have never planted these, they just randomly arrive each year.
The yellow poppies in the background self seed all over the garden too. There is still a row of dandelions next to the weld mesh which are hidden in this photo.
Every evening when we visit the girls after dinner we pick some dandelion leaves and offer them through the weld mesh for the girls. My husband refers to them as “crack cocaine for chickens”. The girls go mad for them no matter how much spinach they have had during the day. They absolutely love dandelion leaves!
Looks colourful, we have the yellow poppies, every where.
We do too, even in the gravel of our drive. I don’t mind them self seeding around though as they provide a splash of colour without taking over.