This time of year is the best for our garden. It’s when the rose peaks and the veg plot takes off and everything looks lush. Even the front drive has a splash of colour.
I just love the garden at this time of year.
This time of year is the best for our garden. It’s when the rose peaks and the veg plot takes off and everything looks lush. Even the front drive has a splash of colour.
I just love the garden at this time of year.
Oh, your garden is amazing. I love it. I can see myself sitting there with a lovely glass of rose chatting w/ your hens.
I love sitting in the garden at the end of the day with a glass of red and chatting to the girls.
Like you I think this is such a lovely time of the year, your garden do look amazing.
Ours is also in full colour, Linda and Tom are coming today, untill Wednesday.
She will take some pictures, I think.
It is a lovely time of year. I would like to see some photos of your garden too.
The time went so fast, while they was here, never got around to taking some photos,
PrehapsI will have a go, but not very good at taking photos.
Have a go, your photos have always been very good in the past.
Just beautiful.
Thank you.