Yesterday the guys came back to finish putting up the rat proof chicken wire on the roof of the run. Although we haven’t actually seen a rat in the run recently, I know they are still getting in. I take the food out each day at dusk and sweep up any spilt pellets so that there is nothing for the rats and yet still they come in.
A few days ago I lifted the slab that the water drinker sits on and found a tunnel underneath it. I filled it and blocked the gap at the side of the slab with cobbles. Yesterday one of the cobbles had been pushed out and a new tunnel was underneath. I couldn’t believe the strength and determination that they have!
We feel all the efforts to stop them getting in from overhead will be wasted if we can’t stop them digging in. The box at the end of the patio is now the problem area and needs to be dealt with. The guys suggested taking the wooden front off and replacing it with a concrete gravel board then digging some earth out of the box and filling it with quick drying concrete. This will keep the rats out and also help with keeping the mud off the patio area and make it easier for me to clean. No more lifting the slabs each time, I will be able to sweep and wash straight over the edge into the garden area.
The other thing we need to do is somehow replace the plastic that was over the corner of the run to help keep out the rain and combat the mud. The guys suggested they could fit more corrugated plastic sheets in front of the patio area. We are having a think about this for now. We are worried that this would be more difficult to remove again in summer when it would make the run too hot. Also it will be more expense and we feel we have thrown so much money and time at this project! We need to draw a line somewhere.
I think maybe another baton and plastic sheet would be the way to go. It was working quite well and will be a less costly option. We will give it some thought and continue with it at the weekend. It really is a never ending job.
We now have a double layer of chicken wire over the top. This should keep everything including rats out and is a much stronger top as well.
This is the latest rat entry point. Yesterday one of these cobbles had been pushed out overnight and there was a new tunnel underneath it. We think the rats are living under next doors decking which is on the other side of this fence and that’s why they are so determined to keep coming through here.
This is where we are going to replace the wood with a concrete gravel board. Our guy says he has one spare on his allotment and will let us have it. The guys will then fill the box with quick drying concrete and slope it down towards the garden area so that I can sweep and wash everything away easily. This will be a great improvement for me when trying to keep the patio area clean. So the job still goes on and on and on!