The mixture of sun and rain has made the garden so lush. We have also taken out a lot of pulmonaria and replaced it with more interesting plants which has injected a bit of variety and colour.
In the distance you can just a little white figure which is Freckles watching me from the branch perch.
The chicks are doing really well. Usually when we have new girls there are lots of posts with photos of them discovering their new surroundings. With the chicks being in a hamster cage there isn’t any of this to show as yet.
They are already developing their characters though. At first it looked as if Blue was going to be top of this trio as she was first into everything, food, water, bedroom quarters, scratching and digging. But this has now changed with the silkie girls growing faster than her. Lemon has now become top of this trio and is also the biggest of the three. Lemon has done a little chest bumping with both the other girls.
The chicks have quickly got used to the plastic cup coming into their cage to fill up the food dish and are not at all bothered by it and don’t move out of the way but they really don’t like my white, disposable gloved, hand, coming in to poop pick. I don’t blame them as in a small space such as the hamster cage my hand is a bit in their face but what surprised me was that Lemon pecked my gloved finger on several occasions. She is feisty.
We are really pleased with the chicks progress and they are adorable to watch. They cheep all the time and eat and poop at quite a rate. They peck at everything including the floor and the sides of the cage.
They continue to go to the bedroom quarters between eight and nine o’clock depending on how light or dark the day is (I leave the curtain open at the bathroom window for them) but we can still hear them cheeping from in there and when we turn on the bathroom light a little face will appear at the window but they never come back out until morning.
What clever little girls they are.
The garden looks lovely, and so pleased all is going well with your babies.
Thank you x