Today Cinnamon has started taking notice of the chicks. She has been pacing up and down the wire desperate to find a way in.
It’s typical that it’s our smallest girl that wants to get at them. Cinnamon was the same when she was on their side of the wire looking out at the bigger girls. For a tiny girl she has always been a feisty one.
Emerald continues to want to lay her egg with a little girl. Today it was Cinnamon’s turn. She has now laid her egg next to each of the three little girls. Cinnamon chose a corner of the chicken shed instead of a nest box and Emerald followed her. It seems as though Emerald likes company when she is laying her egg.
Emerald got her egg laid first. She is pretty quick at egg laying and shortly after Cinnamon laid hers.
The chicks seem to spend most of their time in the food dish. Blue remains the one to dig the most. They stay pretty tight together.
This photo isn’t great because she wasn’t still and so it is slightly blurred but it’s difficult to get a shot of her breast so I kept it in to explain the naming. Blue and Lemon both have lemon colour on their heads. Jasmine has a slightly darker yellow colour (like the colour of jasmine hence the name) and has a stripe of this same yellow colour down the middle of her breast. Blue has some dark blue colour in with the black.
They will grow into their colours as they get bigger and it will be easier to tell the difference between Lemon and Jasmine. I have always liked using colour, descriptive, names.
The chicks seem to be happy in their new home. Integration will be “fun” but we are a long time away from that yet so I am just going to enjoy this easy bit when they are contained in a small environment.
They are so little, so sweet.
They are tiny but I am getting used that now. They are incredibly sweet. They chirp constantly and feed constantly.
I wonder what Cinnamon would do if she got to them!
How does the breeder tell the sex of the chicks? Is it from checking in the vent?
I think Cinnamon would like to eat them! She would probably attack them I guess.
She said it is all to do with the colour of the comb. The girls are yellow and the boys are pink. I struggled to see the difference but all the bigger ones I pointed out turned out to be boys so I guess she knows what she is looking for.