Two years ago we had our garden path laid. Before we had the path redone it was just concrete that over time had cracked and broken. Beside our next door neighbour’s fence was a channel of smooth concrete that the fence posts had been set in so we had the path butted up to this as it wasn’t really possible to do anything else.
Last year the neighbours put in a new fence beside our path. To remove the old fence posts and set the new ones in, some of the concrete had to be broken, leaving holes on our side.
We decided to plant in these holes with the hope that once the planting was established it would hide the concrete all together and give the appearance that the path is floating between planting on either side.
I took a photo of this last year so that I could then compare it to this year. It hasn’t entirely filled in yet but some parts are giving the look we wanted. I will repeat this post again next year to see how it looks then. I think by next year the concrete strip may be entirely covered.
It’s a work in progress but it is coming along nicely. I think it will look great by next year.
Looking good.
It’s getting there.
The long game!
You are right, some things do take longer. Our garden is really established now but it has taken eleven years to get to this stage. We were only remarking today that about six plants/shrubs were here originally and everything else we have added. It was mostly lawn when we moved in which we have removed bit by bit.