After the problems over the winter it is great to see all the girls looking really good and they are all laying now except Cinnamon who had a broody day recently so will take a break.
Freckles only took a break of ten days after her broody spell and today laid her second egg since starting again. Speckles also laid today and she doesn’t lay too often so that was good to see.
Emerald and Dandelion laid yesterday and are laying every other day. I thought the girls looked so good that I decided to photograph them.
What a great bunch of girls with lovely red faces and combs. Emeralds tiny comb is a lovely colour and Speckles large comb always has dirt on the edge from her pecking at the ground.
Dandelion is a changed girl from the winter. All her eggs have been good after the first one. I am really pleased with the flock at the moment and long may it continue.
They all look lovely! 🙂 xx
Thank you. How are your girls now the weather is warmer? Are they all laying? xx
Such lovely looking girls.
They are but then I am biased.
Fantastic pics, they all look great. Are you enjoying the eggs?
We are loving the eggs. They are far superior to shop bought eggs as you will know from your own girl’s eggs.
They do look great, Carol and, as you say, after the health scares of the winter, look to be on fine form, and all laying. I still have several of the older girls yet to lay this year and am starting to wonder if they will!
Once again you make me feel better. Maybe after all the ill heath my flock have come through they are as good as it gets. We don’t know what our older girls will be like and only time will tell. I wasn’t sure Emerald would get back in to lay and now she is back to normal. Only time will tell with some of our girls.
Yes, they’re all good at the moment thanks – I know they’re all laying but can never tell -unlike you – who has laid what! Lovely to have some better weather at last to just enjoy them! 🙂
It is so good to have them all well and laying. As you say it is good to have better weather and to enjoy our girls without worry. I am so pleased for us both. xx
I have to admit that I have a soft spot for Cinnamon. She looks a lovely little hen.
I do too, she has always been one of my favourites. I think it’s because she is so tiny but also so feisty and so busy.