Today we got the veg plot planted. It looks a bit pathetic at the moment but I will take a comparison photo when it has got going.
We have early potatoes and main crop potatoes. We have runner beans and dwarf beans. We have courgettes and tomatoes and broad beans and leeks. There is a bit of space left for some leaves for the chooks. It will be interesting to see how well we do this year.
Hope you dont get frosts, I have not even set my runner beans yet, I have put my courgettes and marrow seeds in to day.My broad beans are just through.
I am confidant that we won’t get frosts now. It is forecast to be a mini heat wave from tomorrow with twenty two degrees forecast tomorrow. We don’t grow from seed but short cut by buying them from the garden centre. If we thought there was going to be a frost we could always cover them.
Planting my seeds in trays today. I’m hoping some will survive the hens!
It is so good to feel like spring/summer is on the way at last and planting can begin again. Getting anything to survive hens though is almost impossible I have found.
This is exciting! We’ve also got lots of flowers in trays in the greenhouses and I’ve started work in the garden to create the new veg plot!
I will be interested to see how it develops. Today summer seems to have arrived and it is a beautiful day here.