Getting towards the end of the moult

The moult seems to be going on forever this year but I think we are getting towards the end of it.

Speckles is looking good

Emerald still has very little tail

Freckles new tail feathers are looking amazing

Dandelion is looking good

Cinnamon has dropped her ragged tail feathers

Apricot is a fluff ball

Emerald just needs her tail feathers to grow in and Cinnamon needs a few more tail feathers and still has pins on her head yet to open but they are looking pretty good.

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14 Responses to Getting towards the end of the moult

  1. marion.pharo says:

    They are looking good.

  2. Yes, they are so nearly through the moult apart from emerald’s tail. She looks good otherwise though.

  3. Sophie says:

    Yes mine too – although Vi, my grey serama, I swear has had pins coming through on her head for about the last six months!! Eggs are a very distant memory but I don’t mind as long as they are well. xx

    • Seramas do seem to have pins on their heads forever. Mine have all had pins on their heads for a very long time. I definitely think that it’s a myth that seramas don’t have a main moult and lay through the winter. Eggs are a distant memory here too but as you say I don’t mind as long as they are well. Have your girls stayed outside this winter? xx

      • Sophie says:

        Yes, they’ve seemed fine. I’ve wrapped the run with thick polythene and that seems to keep it reasonably warm and draught-free but they are also in quite a sheltered spot. xx

        • That’s great news. That gives me hope that another year we may not have the problems of this year. My run is also in a sheltered spot with extra sheltered parts within it. xx

          • Sophie says:

            Yes, it does seem to depend on who you speak to – some breeders keep them inside – others say they are as hardy as other birds as long as you introduce them in the better weather and let them acclimatize. I think they are fine – you’ve just had a particularly bad winter because of their myco. xx

  4. That’s what I think too. Last year they were fine and if it wasn’t for the mycoplasma I am sure they would have been fine this year too. I think once we get past this they will be okay.

  5. David Anderson says:


  6. Jenn says:

    Wow – freckles and dandelions’ tails are superb

  7. Kevin says:

    The girls look great.

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