Pepper’s first egg

I have had the feeling for days now that Pepper was ready to lay her first egg. Yesterday morning I was sure it was time as she was strutting around shouting and in and out of the nest box, scratching about in there like Treacle and Bluebell had at the start of their egg laying. She then went in the nest box and settled in there but at that moment Bluebell decided it was time to lay her egg. At first I thought maybe she was just keeping an eye on Pepper as she kept going in the coop and watching over her, but then she decided to get in there with her. I found it so sweet seeing them sharing the nest box.

Bluebell joins Pepper in the nest box

Bluebell joins Pepper in the nest box


Pepper sits tight

Pepper sits tight

Bluebell tries to sit too

Bluebell tries to sit too

Who is going to get the best position?

Who is going to get the best position?

I left them to it and when I returned a little later this is what I found.

Pepper's and Bluebell's eggs together in the nest box

Pepper’s and Bluebell’s eggs together in the nest box

Pepper’s egg is the one at the bottom of the picture and although it doesn’t show very well in this photo it has a delicate pale pink tinge to the colour. Bluebell’s egg was still warm so Pepper managed to lay her egg first.

Pepper's egg is on the left and Bluebell's on the right

Pepper’s egg is on the left and Bluebell’s on the right

These eggs are pastel pink and blue and so pretty but my camera is not good enough to show their true colours.

Treacle's egg is on the left, Pepper's in the middle and Bluebell's on the right

Treacle’s egg is on the left, Pepper’s in the middle and Bluebell’s on the right

They are so beautiful. I held this post back until this morning so that we could taste Peppers egg and I am pleased to say it tasted normal, hurrah!

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2 Responses to Pepper’s first egg

  1. Steve says:

    I shall look forward to sampling them in a few days time!

  2. Carol says:

    I have so far got three of Treacle’s and three of Bluebell’s. I should be able to add a few of Pepper’s to the mix by Christmas. I am looking forward to it.

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