Today I ate the eggs

At lunch time today we tasted both Bluebell’s egg which was laid yesterday and Treacle’s egg which was laid this morning. They were very near normal with only a hint of the musty taste. Treacle’s was better than Bluebell’s which makes sense as it was laid a day later and she had also not been able to reach the jasmine for as long as Bluebell. It’s now been eight days since I took the jasmine out.

I decided to put them on a slice of toast, add salt and pepper and eat them. With salt and pepper they were fine and the yolks were a really lovely, rich, orange colour. We have had twenty six eggs and these are the first two I have eaten. My husband had made himself a ham sandwich as he didn’t feel ready to eat them yet. I am going to eat them from now on but will wait until they are completely clear before giving some to our next door neighbour as promised.

I am feeling elated to be able to eat our eggs at last. Hurrah!

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4 Responses to Today I ate the eggs

  1. Flock Mistress says:


  2. Carol says:

    Yea!!! indeed! At last as a chicken keeper we can start eating our eggs.Thank you so much to DTl, Flock mistress and any others that have joined in, a lesson has been learned and may be passed on to help other’s. Alls well that ends well and if it helps someone else it’s not been wasted. It will be so good to eat our lovely eggs at last.

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