The eggs really are getting better

This morning we tasted Treacle’s and Bluebell’s eggs from yesterday and there really was an improvement, they tasted almost normal. Because the improvement has been gradual it has been difficult to tell if it is our imagination or wishful thinking but today there was a real improvement. We feel that in a few more days we should be able to eat the eggs. I am so pleased at last we should have normal eggs.

What a relief and what a lesson learned. The support from the “Down the Lane” forum has been amazing. We filled up the maximum seven pages and I had to start a new thread to continue. It has been great having them all cheering me on with this and I have said that we will all now remember forever that jasmine is bad for chickens.

I am now looking forward to tasting tomorrows egg (Bluebell has just laid) instead of dreading it. Hurrah!

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