Changes in the four girl’s

There have been some subtle changes taking place with the girl’s. Since Treacle has matured she has easily taken the place as top hen and often shows Pepper that she no longer has the position. Pepper has given in easily and just runs away when Treacle gives a light peck or a hard stare.

This change in the pecking order has had a good effect on the other two girls. Dotty has completely stopped being a bully and with that Bluebell has grown in confidence. Bluebell is not nervous at all now and has become much more vocal. Bluebell is the smartest and the nosiest and wants to be a part of anything going on. They all know the treats are in the store cabinet and whenever I open the door even if it’s just to get my gloves they are all at my feet, but lately Bluebell pushes her way into the cabinet and pecks at the plastic container that holds the corn. If she could get the lid off, I know she would.

Pepper’s comb and wattles have finally started to mature and today whenever I went to stroke her she squatted. I felt quite surprised because I wasn’t expecting her to start laying until spring but now think that she may start laying soon. In contrast Dotty still has no comb and no adult voice. I wonder if perhaps she won’t develop an adult voice. Dotty loves to fly up to my shoulder and yet is still the only one of the girls that won’t allow me to stroke her. Pepper is the only one that doesn’t jump up on me yet she likes to be close to me and does allow me to stroke her. They are all so different.

Pepper’s comb and wattles

Because Pepper has a pea comb, it is difficult to see it in a photograph but the backward spike is developing now and her comb and wattles have become much more red in colour.

Dotty still has no comb

This picture shows the contrast between Pepper and Dotty, who has no comb yet and a much paler face. Dotty is only one month younger than Pepper yet doesn’t seem to be growing up. I often think she is stuck in a time warp destined to stay a baby (or teenager)!

Close up of Pepper

I thought this angle might show her comb a bit better.

Bluebell has a floppy comb

As Bluebell’s comb has matured it has become more floppy, like a leghorn it flops to one side.

Treacle’s comb and wattles

Treacle has an upright comb and long wattles. It is interesting watching these changes taking place.

We tasted both Treacle’s and Bluebell’s egg this morning and thought the woody taste was less strong than before. The jasmine has only been removed from them for three days so we are hopeful that a few more days should see an improvement.

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6 Responses to Changes in the four girl’s

  1. Flock Mistress says:

    Your girls have matured so nicely. You must be so happy.

  2. Carol says:

    I love them to bit’s but it hasn’t been without problems. (they do make me happy though). I don’t know if you have been following the egg problem (not being able to eat our chickens eggs is another thing we have in common).

    I have missed you so much, I miss your blog and have missed your comments on mine. I did e-mail you and when you didn’t reply I was wasn’t sure if you didn’t get it (I had a problem with my computer and lost my address book) or just didn’t feel up to contact yet. I feel like a stalker because I still check your site each day as part of my daily routine, just in case you have come back.

    I was reading an article on andulsians recently and wondered how yours are, they must be growing up. Did you get a roo amongst them?

    I can’t tell you how pleased I am to hear from you, I would love you to e-mail me, I am longing to know what’s happening with you and your chooks.

    Welcome back Flock Mistress.

    • Amy says:

      That’s so strange. I never received an email from you. I emailed you many times with no response. So I gave up.
      There is definitely something wrong with our email connection.

      • Carol says:

        Oh Amy, I feel so pleased and sad at the time. If we can establish a connection again, we could forward the past e-mails. I would really like that.
        I have got a g-mail account for when the regular e-mail fails. Could we both send a test e-mail to each other as soon as possible and see if either e-mail gets through. If it doesn’t don’t give up, we must find a way to connect again. Worst ways keep communicating through the comments until we find a way to connect.

  3. Jackie says:

    I was wondering what breakfast was like today ..Fingers crossed. I love reading your site.

  4. Carol says:

    Thank you. It was less strong so we hope over the next few days it will get better. I can’t wait to be able to eat our eggs. I am really hoping that by next weekend we can eat our own eggs for breakfast.

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